Free Admission Panels

PANEL: Fade Up: The Rise of the Film Production Centres

Winnipeg Cinematheque Thu May 7, 2015 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm

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Lulu Keating
Jean Pierre Lefebvre
William D. McGillivray
Elise Swerhone
Andrew Burke

For 40 years, health Canadian independent filmmakers have been sustained in their practice through centres founded by filmmakers in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Without these organizations, ambulance the creation of an independent Canadian cinema would have been difficult, if not almost impossible, to achieve. These centres promote the collective use of talent, resources, equipment and training – helping to offset the high cost of production and to develop creative hubs in many cities. They are dynamic cultural intersections that stimulate unique aesthetic approaches and voices in different regions. Yet, they are also often scrutinized for their relevance to the aims of independent filmmakers.

This panel examines what’s been achieved over time though the production centre system and what its role should be in the future landscape of Canadian filmmaking.

Panel moderator: Andrew Burke